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Tile and Grout Cleaning

We use the most advanced and effective methods to clean your tile and grout. Our method is by far the most effective way to clean tile and grout. We first inspect all tile and grout and then mask any stainless appliances. Next, we pre-spray an area using a  high PH pre-spray. This helps loosen and emulsify soils and grease imbedded in the tile and grout. Next, we use a rotary tool that spins while injecting hot solution into the tile and grout and then immediately extracts all the nastiness back up. Next we pre-spray with a low PH pre-spray which really brightens up the grout bringing it back to its original color. Then we go back over it using the rotary tool to rinse out everything. Using this multi-step process, we are usually able to get your grout back to the original color.

            Of course, we do not recommend this method of cleaning if your grout or tile has been damaged previously by any of the following.

1. loose grout

2. loose tile

3. paint applied to grout

4. color seals on grout

5. wax applied to tile or grout ( We do offer a restoration service of tile and grout if wax has been applied. Ask us about this restoration process. )

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